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Migrate from v1 to v2 API

Learn how to migrate your REST integrations.

Paxos has initiated the End of Life process for Paxos v1 APIs. Access to all Paxos v1 APIs will be removed on January 30, 2025. API endpoints no longer in use are removed as of December 20, 2024. This change ensures all Paxos customers are using supported APIs.

Customers should migrate remaining usage from the v1 API as all functionality is now available in Paxos v2 APIs. We recommend you test your integrations in Sandbox before applying the changes to your integration in Production.

To help with the transition, this guide provides suggestions on implementing similar functionality using the Paxos REST API (v2).


If you have any questions, or run into any problems during the migration, contact to set up a time to discuss your concerns.

Get Started in Sandbox

We recommend you test your integration in the Sandbox environment prior to deploying the changes in production. If not already done so, sign up for a Sandbox account. Then configure API credentials.

v1 API Endpointv2 API Endpoint
GetActivitiesList Transfers
GetActivityGet Transfer
ListAutoConversionsList Transfers
ListBankAccountsList Fiat Accounts
CreateBankAccountCreate Fiat Account
GetBankAccountGet Fiat Account
ArchiveBankAccountDelete Fiat Account
CBIT is no longer supported. Use CUBIX instead.
Create Fiat Withdrawal
CreateCryptoWithdrawalCreate Crypto Withdrawal
ListProfilesList Profiles
GetProfileGet Profile
GetProfileBalancesList Profile Balances
GetProfileDepositInstructionsCreate Deposit Address and
Create Fiat Deposit Instructions
CreateProfileTransferCreate Internal Transfer
CreateWireWithdrawalCreate Fiat Withdrawal
GetCustStatusGet Identity
CreatePeerTransferCreate Paxos Transfer

If you have any questions, or run into any problems during the migration, contact to set up a time to discuss your concerns.

Removed Endpoints

The following APIs have been removed as of December 20, 2024.

  • ArchiveProfile
  • GetCryptoAddress
  • CreateCryptoAddress
  • CreateSenWithdrawal
  • CreateSignetWithdrawal
  • CreateIntrabankWithdrawal
  • GetBankAccountAutoConversionInstructions
  • GetCryptoAddressAutoConversionInstructions
  • UpdateCryptoDeposit
  • RejectCryptoDeposit