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Deposit USD. Convert or convert-and-transfer in one API call.
Mint Workflow

Minting a Paxos-issued stablecoin starts by depositing USD on the Paxos platform using the Fiat Transfers APIs (A in the diagram). Depending on the use case, you can either convert USD to a stablecoin and keep the asset on the Paxos platform using Create Stablecoin Conversion (option B) or use Create Crypto Withdrawal to convert and transfer with the same API request (C).

If you've already authenticated and have a USD balances in a Profile, skip ahead to the convert or convert and transfer step.

➊ Authenticate

Include the following scopes when authenticating:

conversion:read_conversion_stablecoin conversion:write_conversion_stablecoin funding:read_profile transfer:write_crypto_withdrawal

If you don't see all the scopes when creating or editing API credentials, contact Support or your Paxos Representative.

➋ Deposit USD

Use Create Sandbox Deposit to add USD to the Profile (profile_id) you want the minting process to be associated with. See the First API Request guide for help retrieving Profile IDs. You can also use the Fiat Transfers funding flow if you've already set up a Fiat Account.

curl --request POST \
--location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--data '{
"asset": "USD",
"amount": "1000"

➌ Convert USD to Stablecoin

See the convert stablecoin guide for details on using Create Stablecoin Conversion to mint a Paxos-issued stablecoin. Once the conversion is SETTLED, use List Profile Balances to check updated balances. To check balances of the assets you are interested in, include the assets query parameter in the request.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

The response includes the updated USD and Paxos-issued stablecoin balances.

"items": [
"asset": "USD",
"available": "600",
"trading": "0"
"asset": "PYUSD",
"available": "100",
"trading": "0"
"asset": "USDP",
"available": "100",
"trading": "0"

➍ Convert and Transfer

Use Create Crypto Withdrawal to transfer the Paxos-issued stablecoin to an address off the Paxos platform with a single request. To automatically convert fiat (USD) to stablecoin and transfer to an external address with a single request, set the asset to the stablecoin you want to mint, the balance_asset to USD, and the crypto_network to the desired network.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
--data '{
"profile_id": "0d3172c5-8840-4bae-bdd4-30688f0268fc",
"asset": "PYUSD",
"destination_address": "BtXdwoYSWPprQT88ZCLuQcXuTz4dFHB1AJFYqr5uXoAd",
"crypto_network": "SOLANA",
"ref_id": "cw_pyusd_293a8f7c-bcb6-483f-919b-8661ae65f0e6",
"balance_asset": "USD",
"amount": "100"

The request confirmation response has a status of PENDING, since the on-chain transaction has not yet been confirmed.

"id": "e655c587-e057-4cf2-88d9-7e19ae13f2ee",
"customer_id": "8cbc1177-d982-4750-a435-3c7f36245452",
"profile_id": "0d3172c5-8840-4bae-bdd4-30688f0268fc",
"ref_id": "cw_pyusd_sol_293a8f7c-bcb6-483f-919b-8661ae65f0e6",
"amount": "100",
"total": "100",
"fee": "0",
"asset": "PYUSD",
"balance_asset": "USD",
"direction": "DEBIT",
"status": "PENDING",
"destination_address": "BtXdwoYSWPprQT88ZCLuQcXuTz4dFHB1AJFYqr5uXoAd",
"crypto_network": "SOLANA",
"auto_conversion": {}

To check the transaction status on the Paxos platform, use List Transfers. You can create a recurring request that look for completed transactions in the Profile. For example, filter on type=CRYPTO_WITHDRAWAL and status=COMPLETED parameters to find all the completed transactions.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

By default, the response includes transactions from newest to oldest.

"items": [
"id": "7c223577-832b-4235-a77e-ebf36dfe9860",
"customer_id": "8cbc1177-d982-4750-a435-3c7f36245452",
"profile_id": "0d3172c5-8840-4bae-bdd4-30688f0268fc",
"ref_id": "cw_usdp_eth_293a8f7c-bcb6-483f-919b-8661ae65f0e6",
"amount": "100",
"total": "126.96",
"fee": "26.96",
"asset": "USDP",
"balance_asset": "USD",
"direction": "DEBIT",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"destination_address": "0x9acb61E5fcE9B5BdA7B44635d86be19d2790D9a9",
"crypto_network": "ETHEREUM",
"crypto_tx_hash": "0x2a0bac30de037b62502540c18ac22b6d75312cd1508c1df3eb6e38f8b7503f1a",
"auto_conversion": {}
"id": "e655c587-e057-4cf2-88d9-7e19ae13f2ee",
"customer_id": "8cbc1177-d982-4750-a435-3c7f36245452",
"profile_id": "0d3172c5-8840-4bae-bdd4-30688f0268fc",
"ref_id": "cw_pyusd_293a8f7c-bcb6-483f-919b-8661ae65f0e6",
"amount": "100",
"total": "100",
"fee": "0",
"asset": "PYUSD",
"balance_asset": "USD",
"direction": "DEBIT",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"destination_address": "BtXdwoYSWPprQT88ZCLuQcXuTz4dFHB1AJFYqr5uXoAd",
"crypto_network": "SOLANA",
"crypto_tx_hash": "3ShgmRdcuj2usV3tmLvb3BUrEvhAXNWbUseYgRt24Muyv1tiPkohn8ZQAAdS5KeYNLKR6PhmwUta6CW2ZCAuxHt5",
"crypto_tx_index": "0",
"auto_conversion": {}
"next_page_cursor": "CAESCwiP-OazBhDgzZYyGLSOkw0"