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Learn more about settlement statuses.

The settlement workflow includes five statuses:

  • PENDING: Initial state of a settlement transaction upon creation by the Source Profile owner (source_profile_id).
  • AFFIRMED: The settlement transaction has been approved by the Target Profile owner (target_profile_id) and will be eligible for settlement once within the transaction window (settlement_window_startsettlement_window_end).
  • SETTLED: The assets in the transaction have successfully been transferred.
  • EXPIRED: The settlement transaction is no longer eligible for settlement.
  • CANCELED: The settlement transaction was canceled by the Source Profile owner.

When a settlement transactions is created, it starts in PENDING status. The assets do not need to be available in the Profiles at this stage. In the PENDING state, two actions can be taken:

  • The Source Profile owner cancels the transaction. Status transitions to CANCELLED.
  • The Target Profile owner approves the transaction. Status transitions to AFFIRMED.

Once the required asset balances are in the respective Profiles, settlement occurs. Status transactions to SETTLED when complete.

Transactions in the PENDING or AFFIRMED state at the end of the settlement window (settlement_window_end) automatically transition to EXPIRED.

Find Transactions by Status

Either involved party can use List Transactions to retrieve all the transactions they are counterparty to. Use the statuses query parameter to filter based on status.


You must specify the limit of items per page or an error returns.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Based on the request parameters, the response contains the two most recent open transactions.

"items": [
"id": "{unique_transaction_id}",
"ref_id": "required_idempotence_id_1",
"settlement_window_start": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z",
"settlement_window_end": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z",
"source_profile_id": "{profile_id}",
"target_profile_id": "{profile_id}",
"legs": [
"id": "{unique_leg_1_id}",
"direction": "DELIVER",
"asset": "BTC",
"amount": "1"
"id": "{unique_leg_2_id}",
"direction": "DELIVER",
"asset": "ETH",
"amount": "5"
"id": "{unique_leg_3_id}",
"direction": "RECEIVE",
"asset": "USD",
"amount": "40000"
"status": "PENDING",
"created_at": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z",
"updated_at": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z"
"id": "{unique_transaction_id}",
"ref_id": "required_idempotence_id",
"settlement_window_start": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z",
"settlement_window_end": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z",
"source_profile_id": "{profile_id}",
"target_profile_id": "{profile_id}",
"legs": [
"id": "{unique_leg_1_id}",
"direction": "DELIVER",
"asset": "BTC",
"amount": "1"
"id": "{unique_leg_2_id}",
"direction": "DELIVER",
"asset": "ETH",
"amount": "5"
"id": "{unique_leg_3_id}",
"direction": "RECEIVE",
"asset": "USD",
"amount": "40000"
"status": "AFFIRMED",
"created_at": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z",
"updated_at": "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z"
"next_page_cursor": "{page_cursor_value}"

To view more items, add the page_cursor query parameter to the request.

curl --location '{page_cursor_value}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'