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View monthly balances and download daily balance and transaction reconciliation reports.

Go to Admin > Reports to activate, view and download daily reconciliation reports as CSV or PDF.

The Profile Transactions Report lists every transaction during a 24 hour period, including the full list and definition of transaction types and transaction metadata. The Profile Balances Report provides the asset start and ending balances for every Profile during a 24 hour period.

Migrating to the Dashboard? Existing legacy reconciliation reports are available in the Dashboard. The historical reconciliation reports match the files on the SFTP server, where they continue to be available.

In the reports, the Profile's starting balance is impacted by any associated Profile Transaction, and results in the corresponding Profile end balance.

  • If a Profile has ever held a given asset at any point in the past, zero balances will be explicitly printed. For example, if Profile 1 held Bitcoin in the past, but not today, Profile Balances will appear as “BTC: 0”.
  • If a Profile has never held an asset at any point in the past, zero balances will not be explicitly printed. For example, if Profile 1 has never held Bitcoin in the past, Profile Balances will not appear for the BTC asset at all.

Reports are in UTC 0 time, and have an exact hour cutoff for the UTC timezone indicated when activating reporting. Paxos delivers reports one time per day and does not support multiple cutoff times or changes to the pre-configured cutoff time.

Onboard to Reporting

To start receiving daily reports, fill out the form on Admin > Reports. Once submitted, you should start receiving reports in about five business days. Reports are delivered on a go-forward basis, starting the first day reporting is activated.

Contact Support for help obtaining older reports.

Reporting Data Dictionary

This data dictionary provides a full list and definition of balance types.

Profile Balances Report Fields

The following fields are provided on each row of the Profile Balances Report.

FieldData TypeExample/Description
BalanceTypeEnumSee BalanceType Value and Definitions.

Profile Transactions Report Fields

The following fields are provided on each row of the Profile Transactions report.

FieldData TypeAlways Returns DataExample/Description
AssetsStringYesUSD, ETH, BTC, PAXG, BCH, LTC
BalanceTypeEnumYesSee BalanceType Values and Definitions.
The amount in the base asset for this trade, currently only supported for QuoteExecutions.
DirectionStringYesCREDIT, DEBIT
ExternalIDStringNoContains the transaction hash for a crypto deposit. Returns empty when no data is available.
The fee for this interaction. Currently only supported for Transfers.
GroupIDUUIDNoLink for the debit and credit legs of an Internal Transfer.
MetadataStringNo"{""key_1"":""value_11"",""key_2"":""value_23"" }"
Contains the customer specified metadata during a transaction on platform (withdrawal, transfer, quote execution) in json-string format. Returns empty when no data is available.
A unique identifier that links all related transactions within a single logical flow. For example, all balance updates during a deposit process.
The unique identifier of the automation rule that triggered this transaction set.
The amount in the quote asset for this trade, currently only supported for QuoteExecutions.
ResourceEnumYesSee Resource Values and Definitions.
ResourceIDUUIDYesID of the Resource in question. For example, Order ID, Execution ID, Transfer ID.
ResourceRefIDStringNoCustom string specified in Create Order request as ref_id.
ResourceTimestampDatetimeNoThe timestamp when the Resource was generated. For example, the time for an Order or an Execution.
RecourceTransferTypeEnumNoSee ResourceTransferType Values and Definitions.
SideStringNoSELL, BUY
Timestamp`DatetimeYesThe record timestamp. For example: 2024-01-17T18:36:31.345Z
TransactionTypeEnumYesSee TransactionType Values and Definitions.
UniqueTxIDStringYesUnique identifier for a Profile transaction. Use with direction to guarantee unique line-item.

BalanceType Values and Definitions

The BalanceType field indicates which specific balance the row is referring to. It provides a way to precisely follow movement of funds as transactions complete in the Profile Transaction Report, and identify the volume of funds held in reserve or in pending transactions at the end of each day in the Profile Balances Report.

BalanceType Enum ValueDescription
AVAILABLEBalance that is currently available to trade or transfer.
PENDING_DEBITBalance that is currently reserved for pending debits. For example, an outgoing transfer has been requested but not completed.
TRADINGBalance that is currently reserved for trading. For example, a limit order has been placed but not filled.
PENDING_CREDITBalance that is currently reserved for pending credits. For example, an incoming transfer has been requested but not completed.

Resource Values and Definitions

The Resource field denotes the category of transaction being recorded on each row of the Profile Transactions Report.

Resource Enum ValueDescription
CONVERSIONStablecoin conversion transaction.
EXECUTIONAn execution of an order on the order book. There can be multiple executions for one order.
ORDERA market or limit order placed for trading. Using either FIX or the v2 Order service.
QUOTE_EXECUTIONA Held Rate Quote transaction.
TRANSFERA transfer on or off the Paxos platform. For example, a wire withdrawal or crypto deposit.
WIRE_WITHDRAWAL_UPLOADA manually created wire withdrawal.

ResourceTransferType Values and Definitions

The ResourceTransferType identifies the direction of each transfer and whether it was a movement of fiat into or out of the Paxos Platform (WIRE_, SEN_), a movement of crypto asset into or out of Paxos (CRYPTO_), or a movement of crypto or fiat between profiles within the Paxos platform (PROFILE_TRANSFER).

TRANSFERCRYPTO_DEPOSITA crypto deposit into Paxos.
TRANSFERCRYPTO_WITHDRAWALA crypto withdrawal out of Paxos.
TRANSFERINTERNAL_TRANSFER_CREDITTransfer received from another Profile.
TRANSFERINTERNAL_TRANSFER_DEBITTransfer sent to another Profile.
TRANSFERPAXOS_TRANSFER_CREDITTransfer received from another Peer.
TRANSFERPAXOS_TRANSFER_DEBITTransfer sent to another Peer.
TRANSFERSEN_DEPOSITDeprecated. Does not appear in new reports. A deposit into Paxos platform on the Silvergate Exchange Network.
TRANSFERSEN_WITHDRAWALDeprecated. Does not appear in new reports. A withdrawal out of Paxos on the Silvergate Exchange Network .
TRANSFERWIRE_DEPOSITA wire deposit into Paxos.
TRANSFERWIRE_WITHDRAWALA wire withdrawal out of Paxos.

TransactionType Values and Definitions

The values of the TransactionType vary depending on the Resource. The TransactionType denotes the specific purpose of the transaction.

CONVERSIONCONVERSION_CANCELLATIONA transaction to unreserve funds for a created stablecoin conversion.
CONVERSIONCONVERSION_CREATIONA transaction to reserve funds for a stablecoin conversion.
CONVERSIONCONVERSION_SETTLEMENTSettlement of the stablecoin conversion transaction.
EXECUTIONCOMMISSIONA transaction to collect commission from an executed trade.
EXECUTIONSETTLE_BASESettlement of the base (crypto) side of the trade to/from the counterparty.
EXECUTIONSETTLE_QUOTESettlement of the quote (cash) side of the trade to/from the counterparty For example, a SELL order has been executed.
EXECUTIONSETTLE_UNRESERVEA transaction to unreserve funds for trading because of a BUY side price improvement on an executed order. For example, a limit order used a BUY price of $50,000 but executed at $49,000).
ORDERRESERVEA transaction to reserve funds for trading. For example, a limit order has been placed.
ORDERUNRESERVEA transaction to unreserve funds for trading. For example, a limit order has been canceled.
QUOTE_EXECUTIONCOLLECT_FROM_EXECUTORA record of transaction indicating a credit of the account.
QUOTE_EXECUTIONFUND_EXECUTORA record of transaction indicating a debit of the account.
TRANSFERDEPOSIT_COMPLETIONA transaction to complete a deposit, resulting in funds being credited.
TRANSFERDEPOSIT_CREATIONA transaction to deposit funds into the Paxos platform.
TRANSFERDEPOSIT_FAILUREA transaction to reserve the funds of a failed deposit into pending debit where they can move off the Paxos platform back to their source.
TRANSFERFEE_DEBITA transaction to debit the fees upon completion of the transfer.
TRANSFERFEE_ENCUMBERMENTA transaction to reserve the transfer fee.
TRANSFERINTERNAL_TRANSFERA book transfer of funds to another profile under the same customer account.
TRANSFERPAXOS_TRANSFERA book transfer of funds to another Paxos customer.
TRANSFERWITHDRAWAL_COMPLETIONA transaction to complete a withdrawal, resulting in the transfer of funds off the Paxos platform.
TRANSFERWITHDRAWAL_CREATIONA transaction to initiate a withdrawal typically reserving the debit amount. For example, a wire withdrawal or crypto withdrawal.
TRANSFERWITHDRAWAL_FAILUREA transaction to return funds previously reserved for a failed withdrawal.